''La Familia'' ☆ by Dziewulski ☆ Created 1973 ☆ Street Art/Cubism Vibe

''La Familia'' ☆ by Dziewulski ☆ Created 1973 ☆ Street Art/Cubism Vibe

Sku: 6766    Availability:

Sale Price: $ 156.60

  • Product Description

Product Description

''La Familia'' ☆ by Dziewulski ☆ Created 1973 ☆ Street Art/Cubism Vibe

This is one of my favorite pieces.

The ''nuclear family'' subject matter is beautiful in its own simplicity.
12" x 18".
There are a couple nicks, from age, on the edges of the drawing.

Some of the earliest expressions of street art were certainly the graffiti which started showing up on the sides of train cars and walls. This was the work of gangs in the 1920s and 1930s New York. The impact of this subversive culture was extraordinarily felt in the 1970s and 1980s.

Cubism was one of the most influential styles of the twentieth century. It is agreed to have begun around 1907 with Picasso’s celebrated painting Demoiselles D’Avignon which included elements of cubist style. The name ‘cubism’ derived from a comment made by the critic Louis Vauxcelles who, on seeing some of Georges Braque’s paintings exhibited in Paris in 1908, described them as reducing everything to ‘geometric outlines, to cubes.

Let me know if you have any questions or need additional photos.
